Monday, May 20, 2013

Lowly People vs. The Great People

May 13, 2013 Monday, I didn't expect to be promoted as Team Leader of our Section's office.  I was bewildered and shocked. I was totally and completely didn't expect it and made me think immediately for my other colleagues reaction.  For more than 4 years only I got this promotion and immediately got really concern of what my existing team leaders will think of and my fellow colleagues as well.  I cannot stop thinking and comparing myself to others on why I deserve this special gift.  Although my manager explained to me why he chose me from the rest of the team and also how my closest colleague details every possible reason, I was still overwhelmed for this sudden surprised. I wonder because there are at least 2 persons that I'm thinking who deserve to have this kind of promotion as well.  All I can say at that time is "thank you Lord God", "thank you for choosing me", "I don't know why you chose me but still thank you Lord".

I remember again the time when I was struggling to land my first job in a Japanese company.  I graduated to a humble College only so competing to any top University graduate would be a tough challenge to beat. My HR officer told me the whole story on how they chose us -- only 3 applicants.  She told me that they collected more than 1000 resumes then cut down to 500 then to 200 then to 100 then to 50 then to 20 then to 10 candidates.  From the 10 candidates they already finalized to 3 -- two candidates from the same leading University in our country and the last is me.  These 3 candidates were to undergo final panel interview. This mean any small mistake that I could make at that time could kick me out for a successful hiring.  She told me even though the first 2 candidates where very skillful, talented and came in the very good institution, they were very boastful and full of pride. This made the managers of the company decided to remove them from the list. I became the number one hired applicant and the other two colleagues reach the number 2 and 3 spot respectively and the rest is history.

I started to find in the internet about God's lowly people. Why God always choose the lowly people -- the ordinary, humble, meek, losers and sinners.  I cannot really say that I'm a humble nor meek but sinner, definitely yes!

In Job 5:9-16:

“As for me, I would seek God,
    and to God I would commit my cause.
He does great things and unsearchable,
    marvelous things without number.
10 He gives rain on the earth
    and sends waters on the fields;
11 he sets on high those who are lowly,
    and those who mourn are lifted to safety.
12 He frustrates the devices of the crafty,
    so that their hands achieve no success.
13 He takes the wise in their own craftiness;
    and the schemes of the wily are brought to a quick end.
14 They meet with darkness in the daytime,
    and grope at noonday as in the night.
15 But he saves the needy from the sword of their mouth,
    from the hand of the mighty.
16 So the poor have hope,
    and injustice shuts its mouth.

In the Acts 4:13-14: 
When they saw the courage of Peter and John and realized that they were unschooled, ordinary men, they were astonished and they took note that these men had been with Jesus. But since they could see the man who had been healed standing there with them, there was nothing they could say.

In Mark 9:35:-37:
He called the twelve and said to them, "If any one wants to be first, he shall be last of all and servant of all." And taking a child , He stood him in the midst of them; and taking him in His arms, He said to them, "Whoever receives one child like this in My name is receiving Me; and whoever receives Me is not receiving Me, but Him who sent Me."

Now I'm not sure if I'm ready for this position but I realized God makes man complete. His grace is sufficient. He will guide us where He want us to be. When God chose Abraham to be the Father of all nation, he was old and didn't have any child.  When God chose Moses to lead Israelite from slavery he don't know what to do and even afraid to speak to the people. When God chose David the 2nd King of Israel he was still young and not knowledgeable. Our Lord Jesus chose Peter, a fisherman, to lead His new church.  With the grace and blessing of God, man can work wonders.  Without grace and blessing from God, man cannot do anything, man cannot go to a distance.  We should always remember that God is the Lord of the past --He knows where you came from. He is God of the present -- He knows what you are right now and what is happening to you. And He is God of the future -- He knows what will happen to you and to the whole world.  He has the Ultimate, Grand Strategic Plan.  Let's trust Him and put our fate in His loving hands. 

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