Saturday, November 26, 2016

Catechism L5-Set 2 Written and Prayer Exam Coverage

Catechism Level 5 Students Set#2 Exam Reviewer Coverage 

For Written Exam: 
  • Catechism L5-09 Preparing for our Savior & Our Savior is Born
  • Catechism L5-10 The Holy Family
  • Catechism L5-11 The Good News
  • Catechism L5-12 Jesus Our Teacher
  • Catechism L5-13 We Believe
  • Catechism L5-14 Asking Forgiveness & Sacrament of Penance
  • Catechism L5-15 The Good Shepherd
  • Catechism L5-16 The Last Supper
  • Catechism L5-17 Jesus Die for Us
  • Catechism L5-18 Jesus is Risen and Returns to the Father
  • Catechism L5-19 The Coming of the Holy Spirit
  • Catechism L5-20 God's Family - The Church and Mary our Mother
  • Catechism L5-21 Jesus is always present and Heaven our home

For Prayer Exam: 
  • Act of Faith
  • Act of Hope
  • Act of Charity (Love)
  • I Confess
  • Apostles Creed
  • Act of Contrition
  • Anima Christi
  • Hail Holy Queen
  • The Angelus

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